
Showing posts from August, 2013


Hi... 你好! 最近过得怎样? 给予十年前的自己...

Fixing A Broken Heart

A nice song to be here today...... There was nothing to say the day she left Just filled a suitcase full of regrets I hailed a taxi in the rain Looking for some place to ease the pain Then like an answered prayer I turned around and found you there ** You really know where to start Fixing a broken heart You really know what to do Your emotional tools can cure any fool Whose dreams have fallen apart Fixing a broken heart And now I don't understand What I'm going through There must be a plan that led me to you Because the hurt just disappears In every moment that you are near Just like an answered prayer You make the loneliness easy to bear ** repeat Soon the rain will stop falling, baby And I'll forget the past 'Cause here we are at last ** repeat


今天 公司发生了意外 工作意外 员工受伤 希望一切都好 今天不知道明天事 也许上一秒你与他对话 不代表下一秒我们可以再聊天 切记珍惜啊
好想好想~ 好想好想~ 歌曲就是那么地唱着 好想好想 离开这 去个没人认识自己的地方 包袱与担当都远离我而去 好怀念曾经过于勇敢的自己 何时我才能再来一次? 也许是 夜已深   独自一人 又再放肆了


挚爱的阿公: 您一路走好 十年前如果不是您的从旁协助与鼓励 就不会有现今的我 感谢您为我付出的 万分感激于您 谢谢您,阿公! 您好好地走   放心地走 我们会怀念您 1938-2013 后记: 关于阿公的病情 某人所说的   如今如某人所愿 阿公走了...... 如果某天这位病危的老人家是您的至亲 相同的话你还会挂在嘴边 某人就是他   *bastard* 我们人都在期待着奇迹 就算知道那是很遥远的


有些事情明明晓得它总有一天会发生的 但事情发生时往往措手不及的还是自己 晴天霹雳的一天