
Showing posts from June, 2014


幸福就像泡沫 阳光下的泡沫是彩色的 谎言也像泡沫 一触即破的泡沫 再美的泡沫 如果经不起时间的考验 就像是一触即破的泡沫 叫人伤痛了心       再多不完美的     只要耐心呵护 总就会有形成彩色泡沫的那天 让人幸福快乐 爱情就像泡沫 如果看透了 又何必难分难舍 为什么难过 有什么难过呢 只怪我没有看破 才如此难过 全都是泡沫 只叫人伤心欲绝


正版啊 托好友的福 远从台湾诚品书局归来 感激不尽 终于把它看完了 女王的作品 绝对是一本值得珍藏的书 待我再分享它的美好 待续~ 女王道:  当你变得更好的时候,  你会发现,  或许你根本也没那么欣赏他了,  或其实你配得起更好的人。 你提升了自己,  自然眼光也会更好。 我心中的女王

When You’re In A Good Relationship, You Learn These 10 Things

I am here to share a good article... Let's read it up and learn it for a good relationship. =) I’d had serious relationships before meeting my fiance, with a couple lasting for years. I thought I was an adult; I thought I knew how to be a great girlfriend. Meeting someone I had a serious connection with taught me that nothing I had experienced before was real. True love feels different than casual relationships – even if those relationships lasted for years (often well past their expiration date!). When you’re in a good relationship, you learn things. You act differently; you think as part of a team, not as an individual making your way through the world. You’ll be more understanding and accepting of your partner, instead of just getting frustrated with them like you may have with past relationships. 1. Misunderstandings are inevitable. Misunderstandings are going to happen. If you take your partner’s words one way, then learn they meant something totally diff...