By tis time, u can spend wat ever u wan...
“jz spend it up,who cares?”

But in btw d time, wat u hav gain?
Knowledge? Sure no...
Relationship? can be!
I dunoe...

And wat u hav lost as time passed through or going on?
Wasting a lot of time n money...for sure it is!
Relationship? Ya...broken up or become intimate...

U can be everything as u're younger...
Bt hav u think abt ur future?
Wat kind of future u wish 2 be? Will it be?
If u canx reach ur future, wat u gonna be?

Everyone can hav different characteristics in the world.

As they like to be, wat ever he/she can be...

Oh yah...I'm who I'm...

Even I can be a loser in d future...

Who knows?

Do u know?


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