I jz realized it...
Sory ah!!!
Luckily I didn't empty my inbox...

Haha...Am I lucky?
Yes... I think so!!!

I'm so lucky to get along with K3's guys...
And you're one of their gang...
Although you all are the last to be my friend, doesn't mean it will not last forever.
K3's guys are special to be.

An E-mail from him...

Kang Ning,

Surprise receiving a proper email from me? Just feel that I should properly express my gratitude to those who have been important to me. Though we only known each other for two years and not that close, I do see and learn quite some traits from you. I can see very well how true you are towards friend and I just admire how you can express yourself and be yourself. You are just great as you are and kind of enjoy fooling around with all of you. Time is the very essence of friendship and it is so true. When we are strangers, you are like a bell to me because I only know you are very talkative. Knowing you allows me to see how content you are but still sometimes kind off scare of you. You are the only girl I dare not tease when you are in bad mood. Michelle is also fierce sometimes but she is not as scary as you do. Hahaha.
Well, I think this is the very trait that makes you special as you are. Really have lots of fun with Group 2 in these two years. If possible, I do hope that we can still continue keeping in touch. I really glad to have known all of you. Thank you for the wonderful moments with you and others. Do enjoy and all the best! ^^


I appreciated it!!!
All the best and take care, Hong Keat.


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